How to enjoy Christmas  and stay healthy!

  • Here it comes again, Christmas is at the door, but traditional Christmas does not have to be unhealthy, so making wise healthy choices will help you sail through partying feeling great.
  • Please try to enjoy Christmas without watching the needle on the scale swing inexorably upwards, just make a few changes and avoid indigestion from over-eating.
  • Choose smaller portions and wait 15 minutes before deciding whether you do really want to eat more so that the sensation of fullness has the time to work its way up to your brain.
  • Turkey, salmon, lean beef, winter vegetables, fresh fruits and salads, dried fruit and nuts are all very healthy, so enjoy these and limit less healthy options such as crisps, salty snacks, mince pies, rich Christmas puddings, brandy butter, chocolates and canapés.

A special note should be made about alcohol, since vast amounts are consumed during December and January each year. Would you like to avoid 8 kilocalories per gram? Alcohol affects the liver, which is put under a lot of strain and cannot metabolize all the carbohydrates contained in food and drinks, therefore they are transformed into fat, which is then piled on the body. Diet drinks, fruit juices (diluted with water and ice) or water and lemon juice are a better option. If you are going to drink alcohol, make sure you have a glass of water for every glass of wine or spirits you consume.

Do not drink and drive!! Enjoying Christmas does not mean endanger other’s people lives!!!

Moderation, moderation, moderation!

·        Be moderate in everything you do. Drink moderate amounts of alcohol, eat moderate amounts of food and do not stop exercise altogether.

·        When you dine out in restaurants or by friends and family, eat grilled fish or lean meat instead of sausages and fatty foods and avoid creamy sauces or butter. Why don’t you try instead some nice vinaigrette made with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, some fresh lemon and some freshly ground pepper instead. Choose a baked potato instead of chips.

·        For dessert have fresh fruit salad or strawberries without cream or ice cream, but with some nice chocolate sauce instead. Of course, in moderation!

·        If you have however had a heavy meal, eat less for a day or two thereafter, concentrating on fresh fruit and raw vegetables, low-fat yoghurts, grilled fish and lots of water. Do not forget that exercise will make you feel reborn, so go for a walk, for a swim or simply for a little jog in the morning before your breakfast. I promise you, you will feel like new again!

·        Get plenty of sleep since our body recovers while asleep.

·        Last but not least, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

A very happy Christmas to all






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